Thought Constipation is a #1 communication barrier at the workplace. With a little effort, You can overcome this major problem. Thought Constipation obstructs an easy flow of communication and can impact the effectiveness of your presentation.
Needless to mention, communication and presentation skills are vital for personal and professional success. It is a well established and the most acknowledged fact. However, this is also one of the most ignored aspects.
Presentations can be a way to express your creativity, impress boss/ client and fast track you to job success. Instead, most people dread them so much that they procrastinate starting them. The result of that apathy is a lost opportunity to prove relevance to the employer.
So, Slide Spin identifies the key requirements for creating persuasive presentations and puts them into the respective chapters.
Key Takeaways
- Creativity is a skill and you can acquire it easily: Creativity is neither a gift that acquired by birth or a legacy that can be inherited. Creativity is not a super-specialty like Rocket Design or Neurosurgery. We have heard people say, “Born with a silver spoon in the mouth” but we yet to hear anyone say, “Born with a streak of creativity in the brain.”
- A great presentation could make or break a product, an idea, even an entire career.
- Some people suffer from a condition called Thought Constipation. They have excessive difficulty in articulating and expressing their thoughts in a simple yet ‘comprehendible’ fashion.
- Thought constipation is the #1 breeder of most problems we have at the workplace.
- When it comes to presentations, the content is the king and context is the kingpin. Understand the context first and decide the content accordingly.
- It is not about how much you can pack in a presentation. It is about how much they can unpack and consume.