When will the young parents get out of the Narcotic influence?

All of us know the current Bollywood stir on SSR and the underlying drug dealings.  NCB says that they will capture many offending celebrities. Let’s hope that they will be successful. Let the common-citizens understand the true colors of their matinee idols.  If the police and political leaders act with sincerity, the drug menace could […]

When will the young parents get out of the Narcotic influence? Read More »

Talent Mining

Creativity is neither a gift that acquired by birth or a legacy that can be inherited. Creativity is not a super-specialty like Rocket Design or Neurosurgery. We have heard people say, “Born with a silver spoon in the mouth” but have we ever heard anyone say, “Born with a streak of creativity in the brain.”?

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A SIMPLE checklist for your presentations and speeches

Most people in the corporate world have a general tendency to repurpose and recycle presentations. E.g., They show Induction presentation to a Business Prospect and vice versa. Invariably, they end up giving a wrong presentation to a wrong audience. What do we call this? Implementing Corporate Penal Code and sentencing the audience to a near-death experience.

A SIMPLE checklist for your presentations and speeches Read More »